Kleding en drie andere tips

Life is Yoga | Groningen | Lesrooster | Lessen | Prijzen


Voor een yogales is comfortabele kleding waarin je je gemakkelijk kunt bewegen het fijnst. Een vest, zodat je wat uit kunt trekken als je het warmer krijgt en weer wat aan kunt trekken als je wat afkoelt.


Yoga doe je op blote voeten. Schoenen en sokken geven niet de stabiliteit die je nodig hebt in de les. Sokken kunnen bij de eindontspanning fijn zijn.


Er zijn yogamatjes aanwezig die je kunt gebruiken. In het begin kun je er eentje van Life is Yoga lenen, maar op den duur raad ik je aan om er zelf eentje aan te schaffen.


Het is verstandig om minstens een uur voor de les niet te eten. Je kunt eventueel een flesje water meenemen.


(8) Transformation

Life is yoga | Work in progress | Jeffrey Deelman


Sometimes we wriggle ourselves to get something done. To change our behavior or even the world around us. Nobody is perfect. Even I am fed up with the things I do. My stubbornness gets in the way big time sometimes. And there are moments where I can be really stubborn. Often leading to frustration in my surroundings but mostly to frustration of myself. Change those habbits for once. Try and be flexible from one moment to the next and try to listen to your surroundings. How do you do that? 

Just do it

Well, just do it. Just DO it! There is one but. It doesn’t happen from one moment to the next. We need time to get used to new behavior. Look at it as learning to walk. When you were young you also needed to practice that.

And if you don’t succeed the first time? Know that you are not a total failure. Yoga means ‘controlling the fluctuations of the mind’. It deserves practice. Practice makes perfect.


Actors do the same thing. Before a theatre group presend a play on stage, they hit the rehearsal studio. They seek the peace and quiet for a month or two, where they really focus on ‘constructing’ a character and constructing the story. Actors are trying, repeating, rehearsing consciously. Aiming at reproducing it in the end. It has become a habit to act like the character.


You also require the time and the rehearsal studio to practice. Find moments in your every day life to practice. Maybe there are situations where you could try a part of that behavior (onnoticed). Every time consciously trying that new behavior. It’s almost like meditation; focussing on one thing. And it almost touches pratyahara ‘abstention’. At the moment that you can separate behavior, thought and feeling, you’ll grow a little. You’ll transform to a richer and truer person.

You’re on the right path…



ASANA: Write down which poses frustrates the most. Why does it frustrate you? Maybe it seems weird, but the frustration is a gift. The frustration is trying to tell you something valuable. So when you start to feel you are blocked in doing the pose, ask yourself ‘where do I find the gift to success?’

(1) Yoga, Theatre, Life

Life Is Yoga - Hand - Samadhi

My yogateachers, Kenny Graham and Tony Giuliano, shared lots about the philosophy of yoga. To me it’s similar to the things I learned in theatre. I wanted to find out what yoga and theatre have in common. But most of all: how can elements of acting (theatre) help in a yoga practise?


Maybe if you never went to see a play, or never acted yourself, you don’t see the connection. Lets start looking at one of the many definitions of yoga.

The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to join” or “to yoke”.
{patanjali’s yoga sutra’s}

Yoga is a practical aid, not a religion. Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment.


Definition of acting: [noun] The art, profession, or activity of those who perform in stage plays, motion pictures, etc.

Like a violist uses the violin as instrument to tell a story, an actor uses his physique, emotions and imagination to tell a story. An actor plays a role. The word ‘role’ literally comes from the parchment roles used in the first ancient Greek plays.


In the definitions of yoga and theatre you’ll find similar keywords: Yoga is practical. It’s a form of art, uses body, mind and spirit. It leads to feeling one with your environment. Acting (theatre) is also a form of art. It’s active and practical. An actor uses his physique, emotions and imagination.

Exercise: What’s your favourite asana? Try adding an emotion to the poses. Use your imagination to illustrate the emotion. My suggestions: grounded & strong / fierce & passionate / fluid like a river / light as a feather.

I want to invite you to travel along with me.